Environnement et traitement de l'eau

Our experience in the environmental sector

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Expertise and R&D network

Thanks to our expertise, we advise you to improve the performance and efficiency of the use of gases in water and solids treatment processes.

We rely on our network of experts, engineers, and our Research and Development teams to provide you with the solution best suited to your needs.

Solutions en faveur de l'environnement et engagements


Treatment for drinking water but also treatment for cooling water or waste water. Industrialists, communities, water treaters… we offer solutions for biological stations, pH neutralization and ozonation for micropollutants.

You have access to a complete offer including diagnosis, design and construction of tailor-made installations as well as start-up assistance.

You can count on Air Liquide's expertise in technologies for transferring gases in liquid media and implementing industrial gases for biological processes.

Environnement et air


Air Liquide provides calibration gases, zero gases and gas handling equipment needed to meet environmental requirements.

Recyclage et traitement des déchets

Solid waste

Air Liquide propose des solutions pour recycler et valoriser les déchets solides.

Broyage des déchêts

Waste shredding

Cryogenic grinding: To protect your grinding installations, improve their efficiency and the quality of the desired product

Temperature control of crushers or other equipment

Cryocondensation and inerting for the recovery of solvents from the treatment of electronic waste or plastic material

métaux à recycler - Air Liquide

Metal recycling

Are your metal processes generating combustible impurities such as those found in poor quality scrap metal? Air Liquide's oxycombustion solution can allow you to use them to power an oven. The conventional power supply (fuel or natural gas) then takes over after total combustion of the impurities. This solution has several advantages:

- Achieve significant fuel savings
- Promote the use of lower quality scrap metal, which is therefore less expensive
- Improve productivity and reduce hazardous combustion gas emissions

Do you have any questions about our environmental solutions

Please complete our contact form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.