Present throughout the value chain

Air Liquide is present throughout the biomethane value chain and supports the circular economy: from waste to mobility. Air Liquide has been working in the biomethane sector for more than 10 years and has developed technologies and know-how throughout the entire supply chain:
- "Upgrading" of biogas and purification of biomethane;
- Liquefaction and distribution;
- Biomethane refueling stations for vehicles.
In fact, Air Liquide works with several partners to convert organic resources into biogas, designs and implements purification technologies (Medal Membrane) to make biomethane.
With Air Liquide's upgrading technology (membrane separation process), biogas can be refined into high-quality biomethane and used in a variety of ways. Air Liquide's purification modules separate methane and carbon dioxide through an innovative process using polymeric hollow fiber membranes. This efficient system generates high-quality biomethane (purities from 96.5% to 99%) that can be used for:
- injection into the natural gas network;
- fuel production for vehicles (CNG/LNG)
- renewable hydrogen production from liquid biomethane
- base material in the chemical industry.
These are the advantages of using Air Liquide's membrane technology for biogas purification:
- Suitable quality for injection into the methane gas network
- High energy and environmental performance
- Simple and reliable system
- Economical and highly efficient
Liquefaction opens up new avenues for biomethane storage and is a suitable solution when there are logistical constraints due to the absence of a distribution network.
- The advantages of the biomethane liquefaction process:
- Optimum energy consumption
- Reliable and efficient process
- Ease of transport thanks to established technology to the point of use
Biomethane in transport
The biomethane recovered by Air Liquide is used as fuel, then called Bio-Natural Gas for Vehicles (Bio-GNV). This Bio-NGV comes in two forms:
- CNG (Compressed Natural Gas). This fuel is intended for stations for light vehicles in captive fleets, cars, heavy vehicles, vans and buses.
- LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas). Easily transportable and safe, this fuel is used at stations for heavy vehicles and buses.
- Biomethane is also used in the production of hydrogen (decarbonised hydrogen for hydrogen vehicles, as part of Air Liquide's Blue Hydrogen commitment).